Like the save-game points, there aren’t enough of them, adding to mounting frustration. To heal yourself, you stick your magic sword in a hole in the ground (boy, that one looks wrong, doesn’t it) and that heals you. It’s made worse by having checkpoint based health potions. I understand that the developers are trying to heighten the survival portion of the game by making you fight towards each save point, but there just aren’t enough of them. In one case I found two save points about three minutes from each other (one was easy to back-track to after you defeated the monsters again), only to find the next save point about 45 minutes away at the conclusion of some pretty hefty jumping puzzles. The placement of the checkpoints makes no sense either. I kid you not, there was one 45 minute portion of the game that took me over three hours to complete, solely because I had to go back to almost the beginning of the level after I’d screw up near the end. Ultimately, there are four things that really hurt Shade in the long run: a reliance on a checkpoint based save game and healing system entirely too many jumping puzzles an AI that’s extremely incompetent and frustrating difficulty of monsters.įor some reason, the concept of forcing you to save games in specific places is coming back in vogue I hate it, and Shade really helps intensify that feeling, especially in the early part of the game. And given how often you’ll be reloading the game, that’s a bad thing I frequently forgot what the point of the game was. The problem is, the only time there’s a reference to the plot is during the cut scenes, and none while you are actually playing the game.
You volunteer to help him out, whereupon you learn you need to free four Fallen Angels from alternate universes to reverse the curse.

After that, it’s off to a, naturally, abandoned church where you learn your brother annoyed some gods and is now imprisoned. Well, empty except for these demons that just start popping in and out like an anchovy-induced nightmare. When you get there, you find a deserted town and empty hotel. He’s gotten himself into a spot of trouble and needs your help. Apparently he’s been wrapped up in his work it’s been a few years since the last missive from him. The game starts with you receiving a letter from your brother, who’s an archeologist doing research work in Italy.