Best small monitor for apple mainstage
Best small monitor for apple mainstage

best small monitor for apple mainstage
  1. #Best small monitor for apple mainstage Patch
  2. #Best small monitor for apple mainstage Pc

I didn't know about the 0-127 or 1-128 midi thing. I understood a little of what you are saying.

#Best small monitor for apple mainstage Patch

This is how I send patch changes from my Helix to my VG99 and will send to my Marshall JMP1 when I decide to set it up in 4CM.Īrkieboy, thanks. Command centre is a little complex, but very powerful - its just the kind of thing you would find in a top notch midi master keyboard.

#Best small monitor for apple mainstage Pc

Problem is you have to set it for every preset/snapshot you want to send a MIDI PC from. If you turn this off, you can set the PC to send in the Common Centre page which is part of the preset or snapshot and should move when you move the preset/snapshot. The advantage is you set it once and it works for all your presets. If you copy the =configuration of a preset= out of one preset slot to another location, it won't move the preset number as well because all that setting does is echo out the information about the location of the patch, not its contents. This will always send the midi programme change (PC) corresponding to the preset number in your helix: So preset 1 will always send MIDI PC 0 to connected devices on the MIDI base channel =regardless of what's in the preset=. What you probably have set is Global Settings->Midi/Tempo->MIDI PC Send/Receive to 'on'. 127), but the spec never said if you should present patch 0x00 as 0, 1, 000, 001 or A01 to the user. The 'does the synths patches start from zero or one' has been a thing since its inception - MIDI is very specific in that 0x00 (0x = hexadecimal) selects the first patch in the bank and 0xFF (hexadecimal is base 16 remember: A=10 and F =15) selects the last (i.e. Then I read on this forum that when Helix sends PC commands it also send all the other commands as well so Im wondering if this is the issue. Im no expert in midi so maybe my commands are wrong - Im using CC toggle commands for the playback and metronome but have no idea what CC# means so have tried different numbers which does nothing. Ive tried all sort of combinations in MS but can't seem to stop it happening. However when I change presets using the Helix it also immediately fires either the metronome or the playback neither of which I want to happen.

best small monitor for apple mainstage

I also set up 2 switches on my Helix for each patch, one to turn on the metronome, the other to turn on a playback in MS. I have successfully got Helix and MS synced up so when I change presets it changes patches on MS using an instant command in command centre. I have set up Helix to have a preset for each song in my set, I want MainStage to have a playback and metronome click for each preset. Im having problems using Helix to control MainStage.

Best small monitor for apple mainstage